On 19 March 2019, we received a big group of listeners who came to the “Guest – Open Door Day”. During the “Guest – Open Door Day”, the pupils not only listened to the lectures, but also rested in the leisure zone, played table games, and took interest in study programs at KUAS. The pupils […]
On 18 March 2019, KUAS hosted a warm and sincere “Communities Day”. On this day, we got together and shared the feeling of communion with the Lithuanian Kolping Society, the John Paul II Pilgrim Centre, the Catholic Community “Gyvieji akmenys” (Living Stones), and the Third Age University of Kaunas County. During the event, communities learned […]
KUAS first-year student Domas and Doc. Dr. Regina Navickienė have already successfully sailed through three of the entrepreneurial seas as part of the project “Captains of the Seven Seas” and continue to strive to develop business ideas of their teams to the best of possibilities, representing the Kolping University of Applied Sciences with honour. In […]
On 29 January 2019, 2nd year students of the Child Welfare and Social Security Program together with the KUAS teachers Evelina Darulienė and Gerda Didžklapytė participated in the nationwide scientific-practical conference “Challenges and Opportunities for the Implementation of Family Social Policy” organized by Marijampolė College. After the plenary meeting, the work was continued in 3 […]
On 14-16 January 2019, the Director of KUAS R. Bagdonaitė-Stelmokienė took part in IFCU (International Federation of Catholic Universities) training in Rome. Participants from Philippines, Canada, USA, El Salvador, Ireland, Germany, Ukraine, France, Italy and Spain shared their experiences on the issues of academic and youth spiritual care, and looked for cooperation opportunities. During the […]
On 16 January 2019, 2nd year students of the Ecotourism study program of Kolping University of Applied Sciences (KUAS), together with Violeta Urbaitė, teacher of Tour Guiding Methods and supervisor of professional practice, went on a sightseeing tour “Excursion around Pažaislis Monastery and Church, Devil’s Museum and Kaunas Old Town”. During the practice, each student […]
On behalf of Kolping University of Applied Sciences we would like to invite you to attend International Scientific-Practical Conference “Development of Social Entrepreneurship in Changing Society”, which is organized by Kolping University of Applied Sciences and will be held in Kaunas, A. Jakšto str.6 (Lithuania) on the 21th of March 2019. DESCRIPTION OF THE CONFERENCE […]
On 11 January 2019, a meeting of the Academic Council took place at KUAS. During the meeting, the Academic Council discussed last year’s events, activities and plans for this year. Academic Council was sincerely delighted that KUAS maintains close contact with all the stakeholders and social partners and employers. During the meeting, it was noticed […]
Director of Kolping University of Applied Sciences Ramunė Bagdonaitė-Stelmokienė, Head of Economics and Business Centre Dr. Rūta Meištė and the Head of the Social Welfare Centre Evelina Darulienė, like every year, on 11 January, thanking for the sincere cooperation, invited KUAS social partners to discuss aspects of curriculum improvement in an informal environment, to share […]
On 15 November 2018, KUAS hosted the 7th International Student Conference “Theory and Practice: Student Insights”, which received a record number of participants. During the conference, presentations in the fields of social sciences and business management were made by 46 participants. In total, 110 participants from 6 foreign and 7 Lithuanian higher education institutions took […]