International symposium on social work has gathered researchers from around the world
- October 5, 2017
- Posted by: Kolpingas
- Category: Events

On 5 October 2017, Kolping University of Applied Sciences (KUAS) hosted an international symposium “CHALLENGES OF SOCIAL INCLUSION: THE INTERCULTURAL SOCIAL WORK PERSPECTIVE”, which brought together researchers from India, Costa Rica, Colombia, Latvia, Germany and Lithuania to share their experiences and insights on social work.
The purpose of the symposium was to bring together researchers, scholars and practitioners from various fields to discuss the challenges of social inclusion in the context of intercultural social work; to present the results of research relevant to the topic of the conference, share insights, experiences and innovative ideas.
Participants of the international symposium were welcomed by the adviser to the Mayor of Kaunas City Municipality on social issues, education and cooperation with non-governmental organizations, Irena Segalovičienė.
During the Plenary meeting presentations were made by:
In the First working group (in Lithuanian) “Challenges of Social Inclusion social work practice”, which was moderated by Prof. Dr. Nijolė Večkienė, presentations were made by: Dr. Ramunė Jurkuvienė (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Marijampolė College) “Social Worker in Lithuania: Between Exclusion and Inclusion”, Dr. Vilma Šliužaitė (St. Ignatius of Loyola College) “Importance of Social Worker’s Spiritual Development in Achieving Effective Interaction with a Customer in Providing Assistance”, Neringa Pečiulytė-Valuckienė (Jonava District Social Services Centre) “Child Removal from the Family: Experiences of Social Workers” and Salomėja Karasevičiūtė (Marijampolė College) “Intercultural Experience in Volunteering”.
In the Second working group (in English) “Challenges of Multiculturalism in the Context of Social Exclusion”, which was moderated by Valters Dolacis, presentations were made by: