Kolping Higher Education Institution (hereinafter referred to as Kolping HEI) is a non-governmental school of higher education, providing the first cycle higher education college studies.
In 1996, Kolping college was established, in 2001 it became an institution of higher education – Public Institution Kolping University of Applied Sciences (currently Kolping Higher Education Institution), currently located in Kaunas Old Town. Founder of the University of Kolping Higher Education Institution is the Lithuanian Kolping Foundation – a Catholic charity and support organization that brings together socially responsible people, acting on the self-help basis; shareholder is Kolping Bildungswerk Wuerttemberg (KBW), Germany. Kolping Higher Education Institutionis established to implement one of the priority activities of theLithuanian Kolping Foundation, – the educational activities. One of the aims of KUAS is to develop social leaders and to help young people realize their own dignity and value, to gain confidence in their inner strength, and after obtaining strong professional knowledge to become good specialists, able to adapt in the rapidly changing labour market.
Kolping Higher Education Institution is supported by the International Kolping Society (www.kolping.net), which has about 500 thousand members in 60 countries around the world. Centre of the Society is in Germany, in Cologne, where the Society’s founder Blessed reverend Adolf Kolping began his activities. Blessed Adolf Kolping was one of the most prominent leaders of social Catholicism in the 19th century and a social educator whose activities, having acquired a wide international reach, is continued up to this day.