International practice

The students of Kolping Higher Education Institution have the opportunity to extend their knowledge and to develop practical work skills not only in their lectures or individual work but also through practice undertaken at Kolping Higher Education Institution, various organizations and social partner companies. Each year several students are provided with the opportunity to undertake final practice in the institutions of the International Kolping Society and its partners. Last year four students were able to undertake practice abroad, thanks to the financial assistance from Kolping fund for Lithuania Draugų ratas that also financed the studies of some students at Kolping Higher Education Institution. This initiative will be continued in future years.


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Kolping Higher Education Institution belongs to a huge international Kolping society that unites 60 countries and more than 400 000 members and can offer study practice to its students in almost all countries where national Kolping societies were established.

At Kolping Higher Education Institution, great emphasis is placed on developing students’ practical skills. So it is worth recalling the words of Adolph Kolping who said that ‘The strength of body and soul should increase and should not be exploited in work. Relaxing and getting rest should help us gain and renew our strength but not lose it.’ We are glad that all the students who returned from their practice placements abroad not only gained some work experience and had the opportunity to broaden their horizons but also developed their personalities.

Gerda Gorelčenkaitė has undertaken her two-month practice at the Grandhotel Cosmopolis, a refugee accommodation and a hotel located in Augsburg, Germany. ‘This practice was very useful to me as a future social worker and a person. I am very glad to become a true and respected member of the Grandhotel Cosmopolis team. I met many nice, free-minded and creative people who became precious to me. I gained valuable experience and learned how to adapt to different people and circumstances, and sometimes even unexpected situations,’ Gerda said. She admitted to challenging some of her stereotypes in this practice. ‘I am happy that I have been given this opportunity to undertake practice in this nice place. Although I spent only two months there, the practice brought many benefits for me. I know that I will come back to this place again,’ Gerda shared her kind words and positive emotions with us.


‘Practice abroad is one of the main and best opportunities that you can get during your studies,’ says Akvilė Grinkevičiūtė, the student of ecotourism program at Kolping University of Applied Sciences. Akvilė has undertaken her practice at Augsburg regional tourism agency in Germany. This agency arranges trips to Augsburg region. Akvilė stated that she gained valuable experience in carrying out different practice tasks and making surveys: ‘This practice provided a great opportunity for me to learn about the chosen profession from close up and helped to acquire practical knowledge of the kind of work done in a regional tourism agency. If I could be given this opportunity once again, I would definitely go to practice abroad.’


Practice supervisors from foreign institutions express favorable opinions about the students of Kolping University of Applied Sciences too. Shaun Smit, who works at Kolping Guest House and Conference Facility situated in Cape Town, South Africa, was the supervisor of the final practice of Deimantė Gaigalaitė, the student of ecotourism program. The practice supervisor wrote in his feedback, ‘…Deimante arrived at Kolping Guest house in a very busy period. February and March were the busiest months since the establishment of the Guest house. I am certain she will succeed in her future career. My thanks go to all those who played their part in making Deimante’s practice a reality. She is a treasure and I would hire her immediately, should Deimante ever consider moving to South Africa.’
