• Directions of applied research

The directions, topics, scope and duration of applied research is determined taking into account the importance of research for the economy, education and culture of Lithuania and international community, possibilities of the Kolping University of Applied Sciences applied research, researchers’ qualifications, available financial resources, the needs for scientific cooperation with Lithuanian and foreign partners.

According to the Strategic Plan of Kolping University of Applied Sciences (KUAS) for 2019-2021, and Academic Council Resolution No. 20 of 11 January 2019, applied research at KUAS is conducted in the following areas:

  • Socially responsible business and sustainable growth in constantly changing society.

The Economics and Business Centre is responsible for the organization of scientific activities and the conduct of research.

  • Social and civic participation in the contexts of contemporary society.

The Social Welfare Centre is responsible for the organization of scientific activities and the conduct of research.

  • Management of KUAS and internal quality.

Responsible – Quality and Research Department.

KUAS academic staff actively participates in international research networks: ERIS – The European Research Institute for Social Work; EERA – European Educational Research Association; FCRN – Foster Care Research Network. KUAS is also a member of UASnet – European network of Universities of Applied Sciences.

KUAS conducts applied research commissioned by institutions from private and public sector.

Results of the applied research are published in scientific journals, presented at national and international conferences, used in the study process.

KUAS encourages applied research activities by students: students organize annually an international student conference, publish the conference proceedings, they are also encouraged to participate in conferences organized by other institutions of higher education and to be involved in joint projects.

  • Commissioned research

The KUAS Development Strategy foresees development of applied research in collaboration with academic and social partners. Applied research is conducted on various subjects of social sciences and business management, with the aim to analyse relevant social, business, environmental, tourism and other problems and to find solutions. In their research, researchers combine their academic knowledge with innovative research methods.
