ECOTOURISM (not available in English)

Objective of the Ecotourism programme is to prepare modern qualified specialists of tourism and recreation, who are able to put into practice the acquired skills, have the required competencies, skills to analyse and critically evaluate activities of the tourism sector, to create and develop them according to the principles of sustainable development and eco-tourism, successfully combining ecotourism objectives with economics, management, marketing, finance, psychology, law and adapting in the modern information technology environment, with underlying Christian morality in their activities, constantly improving and seeking to contribute to the country’s sustainable development.

During the three years of study ecotourism specialists are prepared who know the specifics of tourism organisations, know how to achieve their performance efficiency in the aspect of sustainability, are able to competently handle both in the business sector and the public sector (in the administration of national and regional parks, municipalities, the Department of Tourism and so on, or to build their own business).

After completion of this programme the Professional Bachelor of Business Management is awarded.

State Code: 653N80006 Granted degree / professional qualification: Professional Bachelor of Business Management
Study area: Business and Public Management Programme registered: December 23, 2011
Study field: Tourism and Leisure
Mode of study (duration in years): Full time – 3 years, Part time – 4 years
Extent of the study programme in credits: 180


Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Latvia, Spain, Czech Republic, Germany, South African Republic

Students also have the opportunity to practice in various global Kolping network organizations.


After completion of the study program graduates can continue their studies in the second cycle, following the requirements and procedures of the higher education.

After completing the study program, students can start their own ecotourism business or to work in other organisations, such as ecotourism tour organisers and guides; ecotourism farmsteads; travel agencies, which activities are focused on ecotourism trips; hotels, containing the “Green Key” certificates; other organisations, creating the rest, rich educational leisure and recreation ecotourism philosophy in the country (ecotourism centres, tourist information centres and conference offices, national and regional parks visitor centres, municipalities, the Department of Tourism, etc.), organising the ecotourism events, seminars, conferences, etc.


Ecotourism curriculum includes four professional practices and final practice. Practice goal is to learn how to apply theoretical knowledge in practice: access to ecotourism activity organising principles, forms and methods, to conduct tours, trips by the ecotourism routes for Lithuanian and foreign tourists, presenting the country’s geography, resources, educational cultural heritage programs and eco products, to make the ecotourism certification feasibility analysis for tourism companies. At the end of the final practice students prepare and present their individual practice reports.

Subjects of the study field: Entrepreneurship in Tourism; Information Technology; General Ecology; Basics of Tourism; Hospitality and Professional Ethics; Statistical Analysis of Tourism; Ecotourism Geography and Resources; Fundamentals of Law in Tourism; Tourism Management; Excursion Methodology; Human Resources Management; Intercultural Communication and Consumer Behavior; Environmental Protection in Tourism; Service Quality Management; Organizational Psychology; Ecotourism Marketing; Sustainable Development and Tourism; Development of Ecotourism Travel Routes; Musicology; Business Research; Accounting and Analysis of Financial Activities; Nature Tourism; Digital Tourism

General subjects: First Foreign Language (English); Language Culture; Christian Social Teaching; Philosophy; Second Foreign Language (Russian)

After completion of this study programme graduates will be able to:

  • Identify aspects of environmental, social and economic impacts of tourism, using them as the basis for the contents of ecotourism activities;
  • Implement a business plan for the ecotourism activities, providing competitive services;
  • Collect, analyse information, using various sources of information, in the tourism and ecotourism activities;
  • Analyse, structure and evaluate research data required in the areas of tourism and ecotourism activities;
  • Assess the environment of tourism based on the principles of sustainable development;
  • Conduct ecotourism practice-oriented empirical research aimed at finding the ways to solve sustainable development problems;
  • Evaluate the current quality of operations of an ecotourism company/organization and its divisions, based on the principles of sustainable development;
  • Develop innovations in the activities and services of an ecotourism company/organization or its divisions, to represent them applying the information-communication technology;
  • Develop ecotourism company/organization products and their marketing strategy;
  • Organize business processes in an ecotourism company/organization or its divisions, taking into account peculiarities of cross-cultural communication, behaviour of consumers and competitors, business ethics, sustainable development;
  • Ensure hospitality and the quality of operations of an ecotourism company/organization with underlying principles of sustainable development in its activities;
  • Assess organization of the activities of the ecotourism company/organization and communicate responsibly about its performance results to the groups of different interests;
  • Provide ecotourism services by organizing excursions/trips along the ecotourism routes for Lithuanian and foreign tourists, presenting the country’s geography, resources, educational cultural heritage programs and eco-products, organizing ecotourism events, seminars, conferences;
  • Demonstrate entrepreneurial and creative thinking skills by organizing customer search and marketing activities;
  • Deal with non-standard situations, resolving conflict situations, situations of complaints, related to the activities of ecotourism company/organization;
  • Critically and constructively evaluate tourism professional practice, knowledge and values, to reflect their professional growth, realizing the importance of lifelong learning and striving for harmony;
  • Take on the responsibility of their own professional careers and deepen professional knowledge, constantly applying principles of lifelong learning.


Ecotourism is a complex science, representing the tourism sector with the addition of ecological principles. These studies are designed for individuals seeking to establish harmonious relationship with the world of nature, with human and natural heritage. After completing ecotourism studies, graduates will acquire competences enabling them to plan effectively, organize and implement ecotourism activities, to enable people to experience the world through ecotourism travels.


If the driving force of Your life and the great inspiration lie in the nature, if you express yourself in the best way in travelling, ecotourism can really become a dream job for You. Often a future ecotourism specialist already before his/her studies has tasted ecotourism travels: mountain climbing, extreme cycling, diving, bird- and animal watching, plant recognition, enjoyment of forests, lakes and other wonders of nature, visiting ancient villages – such is the self-expression of a person who is living and breathing ecotourism. If for You nature’s company evokes only positive emotions and You believe that You would be able to plan and perfectly organize ecotours for other people, then choose the ecotourism studies!


Graduates can continue their studies in the second cycle of studies, according to the procedures of the higher education institution.

Ecotourism knowledge, complemented with studies in economics, management, marketing, psychology form a broad outlook and solid competencies. Ecotourism specialists will be able to share their qualification in the business sector by working in management of ecotourism farms and hotels, in tourism agencies as organizers of ecotours.  In the public sector, graduates are welcome in the administrations of national and regional parks, municipalities, State Department of Tourism. For those who are not afraid of challenges, ecotourism opens an opportunity of starting your own ecotourism company. By organizing and coordinating ecotours based on the deep values of conservation, study and knowledge of nature, you will express yourself and give people the joy of discovery. You will also have the opportunity to share ecotourism philosophy in various seminars and conferences on eco topics.

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