The internal quality assurance system complies with each provision of Part I of the European Higher Education Area quality assurance (ESG) and covers all the KUAS activities, the processes of which are grouped into four process groups: management processes, key operational processes, supporting processes and improvement processes. This system ensures the involvement of each employee in the implementation of the Quality Policy at the institutional and academic level. It has been introduced to all employees of the KUAS, it is publicly announced on the website.
Implementing its mission and strategic goals, KUAS has developed and periodically improves the internal quality assurance system, which is an integral part of KUAS strategic management and meets the requirements of the Law on Higher Education and Research of the Republic of Lithuania, implementation of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), standards and guidelines of the European Higher Education Area quality assurance (ESG) . The fundamental theoretical concept of the KUAS internal quality assurance system represents the publicity/realization of quality values through the dialogue in the context of culture, through management, scientific knowledge, the study process and organizational culture. Purpose of the internal quality assurance system is to ensure that the KUAS processes and their interactions are planned, implemented, evaluated and improved on the basis of established and described requirements based on the European Higher Education Area quality assurance regulations and other documents relevant to the quality of KUAS activities.
The internal quality assurance system is periodically improved:
- According to the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area
- The study process is organized and study programs are improved in order to implement the student-centred study model and the Standards of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) formulated in the Bologna process
- The programs of accredited study fields conducted at KUAS are coordinated with the directives of the European Union. 31
- In the activities of KUAS, as well as in preparing and improving study programs, organizing the study process, the provisions of Lithuanian legal acts, regulating studies are implemented (Law on Higher Education and Research, Schedule of Lithuanian Qualifications Framework, Descriptor for Study Cycles, and other documents regulating study quality assurance)
- Taking into account the results of surveys of stakeholders (students, teachers, administrative staff, employers, social partners, graduates)
- Performing external study quality assessment and internal study quality assessment.