Breakfast of social partners – employers, that has already become a tradition, took place
- January 6, 2017
- Posted by: Kolpingas
- Category: Events

On 6 January, the annual, traditional Breakfast of social partners – employers and representatives of Kolping University of Applied Sciences (KUAS) took place.
During the breakfast, discussion went on about the latest news in the field of education, importance of non-formal education in the educational process, possibilities of increasing internationalization, and the input of social partners – employers to increase motivation of the students, in cooperation with the Social Welfare and the Economic and Business centres of KUAS. Possibilities for further development of mutually beneficial relations were discussed.
Besides KUAS Management and Administrative staff, the meeting was attended by: Giedrė Aukščiūnienė, Deputy Director of Kaunas Archdiocese Family Centre; Sigita Šimkienė, Deputy Manager of the Children’s Rights Department of Kaunas City Municipality; Raimondas Krištaponis, CEO of UAB “Babilonas LT”; Ugnė Urniežiūtė, Director of VŠĮ Kaunas IN; Regina Navickienė, CEO of UAB “Mūsų Odisėja”, Apple Economy Hotel; Saulius Kromalcas, Mayor’s public adviser on tourism at Kaunas City Municipality; Audronė Alijošiutė, Director of Lithuanian Responsible Business Association – LAVA; Nerijus Jurkonis, Director of VMU Kaunas Botanical Garden.