- March 28, 2017
- Posted by: Kolpingas
- Category: News

International Scientific – Practical Conference “Sustainable Society: Challenges and Perspectives” on 23 March concluded the traditional Kolping Week organized annually by the KUAS. During the Week, various events and seminars were held not only for the Kolping community, but also for schoolchildren and city residents.
At the plenary meeting of the conference presentations were made by Mindaugas Danys, Director of VšĮ Socialinių investicijų fondas (Social Investment Fund), topic of his presentation – WILL SOCIAL BUSINESS SAVE THE WORLD?, Dr. Monika Phaller – Rott, Lecturer at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany, topic of her presentation – MULTICULTURAL AND INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION IN THE AREA OF TRANSNATIONAL RESEARCH PROJECTS, and Doc. Dr. Regina Navickienė, Head of tourism company “Mūsų odisėja” and hotel “Apple Economy Hotel”, topic of her presentation – “DARK TOURISM AND ITS PERSPECTIVES IN THE CONTEXT OF ECOTURISM“
In the second part of the conference, guests from abroad and students of Lithuanian higher education institutions and KUAS listened to the presentations and discussed in two working groups. In the first working group presentations were made by: Doc. Dr. Aurelija Kustienė “The Role of Social Audit in Social Business”; Prof. Dr. Vilma Žydžiūnaitė, Vaida Jurgilė “The Higher Education Institution as a Sustainable Organization: How Does the Higher Education Institution Recognize the Scientist’s Need for the Intellectual Leadership?”; Dr. Ilona Tandzegolskienė, Dr. Elena Trepulė, Doc. Dr. Aušra Rutkienė, Giedrė Tamoliūnė, Vaida Jurgilė “Model for Combining Family and Work”; Dr. Edita Jezerskytė, Dr. Aistė Antanaitienė “Possibilities for Activities of Community Organizations in Kaunas Region: Results of Empirical Research”; Doc. Dr. Iveta Varnagirytė-Kabašinskienė “Ecology in Ecotourism”; Viktorija Jasevičiūtė, Violeta Urbaitė “Leisure Activities in Alytus region from the Viewpoint of Social Harmony”; Ramunė Bagdonaitė – Stelmokienė “Growth of Spouses in Mutual Relations When Caring for a Child Who is Not Their Relative”.
In the second working group presentations were made by: Prof. Dr. Vilma Žydžiūnaitė, Dr. Ilona Tandzegolskienė “Responsible Dissemination of Research Findings – Characteristic of a Scientist‘s Intellectual Leadership?”; Valters Dolacis (Latvian Christian Academy) “Social Entrepreneurship as a Tool for Personal and Community Development”; Prof. Dr. Vilma Žydžiūnaitė, Vaida Jurgilė “Scientist’s Intellectual Leadership Within the Research in Progress for Sustainable Higher Education School”; Vilma Mikašytė “Exploring the Potential of Social Media: Facebook as a Means to Sustain Linguistic Varieties”; Prof. Dr. Vilma Žydžiūnaitė, Doc. Dr. Aušra Rutkienė “Do the Roles of Intellectual Leadership Add to His / Her Personal Sustainable Development”.
Traditionally, at the end of the conference, the founder’s scholarships were also awarded. Kolping Foundation for Lithuania “The Friends’ Circle” awards the one-time scholarships of the founder for the seventh year in a row already. Scholarships were awarded to KUAS students for very good study results, part of the scholarships – for active participation in the activities of KUAS community, and social scholarships were awarded as well.