Reacting to the situation, the community of Kolping University of Applied Sciences expresses support for Ukraine and its people.

Students of the Republic of Ukraine who wish to continue their studies at Kolping University of Applied Sciences are invited to apply by email, together with all available relevant information about their studies or enroll in the following professional bachelor’s degree programmes in English.

Kolping University of Applied Sciences currently offers 4 first cycle professional bachelor study programmes in three study fields ( The study fields and study programmes offered at Kolping University of Applied Sciences are presented in Table.

Study fields and study programmes offered at KUAS

Study field group Study field State code Name of the programme Study credits Form of studies* Granted qualification degree
Social Sciences Social Work 6531JX009 Social Work Management 180 full-time, part-time


Professional Bachelor of Social Sciences
6531JX010 Child Welfare and Social Security 180 Professional Bachelor of Social Sciences
Business and Public Management Tourism and Recreation 6531LX048 Ecotourism 180 Professional Bachelor of Business Management
Business 6531LX121 Transport Logistics 180 Professional Bachelor of Business Management

There is no tuition fee for four Ukrainian citizens studying in Kolping University of Applied Sciences. Each case is individual, so each study programme commission will be evaluated individually. Contact for inquiries and inquiries can be found here:

Useful information for visitors:

Informacija Ukrainos piliečiams | Migracijos departamentas prie Lietuvos Respublikos vidaus reikalų ministerijos
Informacija dėl Ukrainos pabėgėlių / Інформація для громадян України / Information for Ukrainian citizens | Švietimo, mokslo ir sporto ministerija

If you need more information, don’t hesitate to contact us:

Phone number: +370 37 220030

Email address: [email protected]; [email protected]
