
Sustainable development is increasingly important in today’s world. Communities play a key role as social partners in the economic, social, political, cultural, environmental, and other challenges of sustainable development. Communities promote the implementation of sustainable development through voluntary and selfless social relations, moral unity and responsibility, communication and solidarity and social identity.
During the conference, issues related to the implementation of community-based sustainable development (young people’s experiences in the context of community activities, challenges in community fostering, promoting eco-awareness in communities, fostering community through volunteering, inclusion of people with disabilities in sustainable development activities, etc.) are discussed by assessing different experiences and challenges in European countries, and sharing good practices.
The KUAS activities are based on the principles of sustainable development, integral ecology, and corporate social responsibility. On 17 March 2022, the KUAS organised an international scientific-practical conference ‘Promoting Community in the Context of Sustainable Development’. The conference attracted particular attention. It was attended by around 200 Lithuanian and foreign researchers, scholars, practitioners, and audience from various scientific, business, and public sector organisations, who consider the promotion of community and sustainable development in the context of today’s world as a priority.
The conference participants gave presentations and shared their insights and experiences in the conference plenary and the two sessions:
- Promoting Community in the Context of Sustainable Development (presentations in English).
- Social Innovation for Sustainable Development.
- Challenges in Fostering Community.
Participants shared their scientific insights and best practices to find answers, amongst others, to the following questions: how to keep volunteers motivated, how to foster community through digitalisation, how to integrate artificial intelligence into society, what are the linkages between ecotourism and other alternative forms of tourism.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the conference participants, speakers, panellists, and the audience. We believe that the topic of community and sustainable development will remain relevant in the future, and we look forward to meeting again.